Truus Geraets

Truus was born 1930 in Holland where she experienced the German occupation during World War II. Even as a teenager she knew that she wished to work with children, because she felt the importance of how the children influence the future. Later, in her studies, she found that working with Rudolf Steiner’s Waldorf Education provided the best avenue for guiding children in the optimal direction of health and inner balance.

Truus’ life included many endeavors, as she discovered how she could best serve "the future." Initially, there was training in Curative Education in Germany, followed by 4 years of Eurythmy and Therapeutic Eurythmy Training at the Goetheanum in Switzerland.

Eurythmy at Waldorf School South Africa

Her working life took her to Holland, Scotland, Germany over the course of 13 years, she spent 10 years in South Africa and she has been in the United States, off and on, for a total of 17 years living and working in Michigan, Illinois, Texas, Maine and California. She has also been giving eurythmy courses in various places in China.

Truus returned to the Netherlands in 2018, where she lived in Driebergen-Rijsenburg, a village East of the city of UtrechtT

Truus' active life here on earth has come to an end in a physical sense on Wednesday morning October 4, 2023. Her great journey on the other side has begun.


She is the author of several books. Courage and Love for Children in South Africa, was published in 1993 in Chicago. Inkanyezi, was published in 1995 in Stuttgart. The Healing Power of Eurythmy came out in English and German in 2005.  New editions are in progress. Recently also a Chinese version came out in China.

The Dutch version has recently been published. (See: BOOKS BY TRUUS)




Meest recente boek van Truus

Euritmie, Levenskunst en onze Pioniers

146 pagina's, inclusief integrale Engelse vertaling
Euro 15.-. inclusief verzendkosten
Bestel informatie

Drawings by Truus Geraets of the Eurythmy Letters

"Truus Geraets has been one of the oldest, but until recently still out of the fullness of life practicing eurythmy therapists of this now nearly 100 year old profession. Through her we can experience a handshake through the time to the very pioneers of this therapy, who have been her teachers: Erna van Deventer, Ilse Knauer and Isabelle de Jaager". (Beatrix Hachtel)




I search for colors, for harmony, for life,

am flabbergasted by the beauty of creation.

Springtime shows the freshness of the forms

when leaves still hesitate to show themselves,

but then expose themselves with joy.

My eyes are seeing, but my soul absorbs

the richness and diversity of forms.


Artistic Movement - Circle Games
Order by e-mail to: Truus Geraets

Books by Truus (Selection)

- Dutch Language

De genezende werking van de euritmie  

Levenskunst beoefend op vier continenten in verschillende culturen

Te bestellen bij
Tevens verkrijgbaar bij Boekerij de Phoenix, 1e Hogeweg 10, 3701 HK Zeist.

- English Language

The Healing Art of Eurythmy
Order by e-mail to:  Truus Geraets

Love in Action
Available at and

Music that Moves Me
Order by e-mail to: Truus Geraets

- German Language

Die heilende Wirkung der Eurythmy
Order by e-mail to:  Truus Geraets

Available at